Single Mothers Outreach needs your help to give a gift of hope to children in our community!

by | Dec 29, 2019 | Community

Did you know that moms lead more than 80 percent of single-parent homes? More than 80 percent of single mothers live in poverty, with 51.9 percent living in extreme poverty. There is little to no chance of improving their situation. Their limited financial situation becomes a constant obstacle to growth.

Today one in four children under the age of 18 — a total of about 16.4 million — are being raised without a father. Of all single-parent families in the U.S., single mothers make up the majority.
Children growing up in single-parent families typically do not have the same economic or human resources available as those growing up in two-parent families.
Children who grow up with only one of their biological parents (nearly always the mother) are disadvantaged across a broad array of outcomes. Children of single-parent families suffer measurable harm.
• They are twice as likely to drop out of high school.
• They are 2.5 times as likely to become teen mothers.
• They are 1.4 times as likely to be idly-out of school and out of work as children who grow up with both parents.
• Children in one-parent families also have lower grade point averages.
• They have lower college aspirations and poorer attendance records.
• As adults, they have higher rates of divorce.
Single Mothers Outreach works timelessly to provide support for single moms. It is our hope to change the projections for their children and give them the opportunity of living in a world with the same possibilities that other children might have.
Here are several ways to support: donate to SMO, shop at Closet on Main, volunteer with us and attend Empowering HeArts 2020.
For more information come see us at 24335 Main Street, Newhall or at 24781 Valley St. Please call us at 661-288-0117.
Don’t forget to stop by Closet on Main in Newhall at 24335 Main St., where you can always find great deals as you shop without guilt.